Open knowledge - ButOpen blog

Here at ButOpen we have a mission: to share everything.
The process, the design, the business choices are part of our journey.
And we want to share it with our community.

I was wondering the best way to make a reusable design system. Choosing a frontend framework is hard since everyone has its favorite. so I'm developing a pure scss + tailwind design system

Pure CSS design system in tailwind VS web components, angular, react, vue, svelte

I was wondering the best way to make a reusable design system. Choosing a frontend framework is hard since everyone has its favorite. so I'm developing a pure scss + tailwind design system

Tailwind Devtools Inspector - How to quickly edit tailwind classes and apply tailwind templates - no install - already in your console

How to inspect a tailwind element and preview class changes live using the devtools

Tailwind Devtools Inspector - How to quickly edit tailwind classes and apply tailwind templates - no install - already in your console

We will see the first step taken when designing a new service for developers. We will think about how developers will use it, what's the fastest way on the front-end, what the back-end will need

How to design a Single Sign-On Open Source Service - Starting from People

We will see the first step taken when designing a new service for developers. We will think about how developers will use it, what's the fastest way on the front-end, what the back-end will need